- Review of important components of both trade and industrial policies, and other relevant policies, and evaluate their elements of convergence (and divergence)
- Identification of institutional requirements for successful design and implementation of trade and industrial policies
- Analysis of the feasibility of India’s industrial policy elements under today’s international trade rules
- Develop a handbook comprising “what, why and how” to converge trade and industrial policies
- Entire analysis will be done on six specific sectors (readymade garments and textiles, food processing, renewables, automotive and electric mobility, capital goods, and electronics) which have comparative advantages in the global market and are also important in terms of their high impact on Indian economy, emerging in nature, and labour intensive to generate more employment, and having positive implications on livelihood and socio-economic development
- Comprehensive review of horizontal and vertical policies in the identified sectors to find out key measures of trade and industrial policies and to understand the interaction between key measures of industrial and trade policies, and their relationship with the competitiveness of exports and employment generation
- In-depth analysis of selected policy measures in the identified sectors with various provisions as under the World Trade Organisation (WTO) agreements, relevant free trade agreements (FTAs) and India’s commitments therein
- Deriving cross-cutting and sector-specific recommendations on the linkages between industrial and trade policy, in the context of other relevant policies, to improve their effectiveness as well as making them coherent with the global trading system.
- Identify sector specific key measures of industrial and trade policies and map those measures from the perspectives of inter-policy convergence and divergence
- An institutional framework for successful design and implementation of trade and industrial policies by citing examples from global good practices and methodologies suggested by experts
- A Handbook which will provide a comprehensive framework to successfully employ these policies for achieving the end objective of economic growth and job creation
Coming soon…
Coming soon…
Coming soon…