Demystifying Non-Tariff Barriers to India-Bangladesh Trade in Agricultural Products and their Linkages with Food Security and Livelihood

Goals and Objectives

The main goal is to conduct an in-depth study of the existing NTBs which create barriers at borders for trade in agricultural products, so as to facilitate deeper economic integration between the two countries.

The specific objectives of this project are given as follows:
  • Identifying existing barriers (low level of financial & digital inclusion among women and hurdles at selected land ports faced by women traders) that limit women entrepreneurs to access opportunities to engage in economic activities, particularly in trade.
  • Conducting gender based analysis of Trade Facilitation Measures (TFMs) under TFA.
  • Creating awareness about gender-inclusive trade facilitation among BBIN.
  • Suggesting country-specific policy recommendations in favour of women responsive TFA in particular and trade policy in general for their better participation in trade and related activities.