Participants: Key and project-relevant media persons from the local press and from alternative media and national media.
Objective: Media being one of the key stakeholder groups in the project, involving it in the project by way of information dissemination and orientation for them to report such issues rightly to the public at large.
Timeframe:One in each of the two years of the project.
Methodology: Half day long workshops for information sharing as well as orientation.
Each partner organisation will organise a media workshop in each of the two years of the project to provide comprehensive training to media persons from the English and local language press and also from alternative media on issues of globalisation and the WTO and their relationship with economic development and governance. This will help them in the long-run in writing more objectively so that common people on the streets are better informed on the issues and their implications on their lives.
These workshops would be a combination of information dissemination and orientation. If they are oriented properly, they would become a strong instrument for enabling a favorable environment. This would result in an increase in the coverage on economic issues in local media. This could be a parameter to assess the achievement of the project. In the event it is essential that one resource person should be from the local media. This would ensure larger participation. Partners should target those newspapers which have inclination to publish more economic and trade-related news. There should be at least one key media person from the state level in the state reference group.
Current Status
- Rajasthan organised its media workshop at Jaipur, on October 6, 2005.
- Andhra Pradesh organised the workshop at Hyderabad, on October 30, 2005.
- Uttar Pradesh organised the workshop at Lucknow, on December 08, 2005
- Karnataka organised the workshop at Bangalore, on December 24, 2005
- West Bengal organised the workshop at Kolkata, on March 01, 2006
- Project launch cum training workshop
- State launch meetings
- Field Work in Rajasthan and West Bengal
- Outreach meetings
- Workshops targeting state level officials
- Media workshops
- National seminar
- Advocacy workshop at the state level for STPC and at the national level for NTPC
- Outreach tools
- Briefing Papers
- E- group and e- list
- Monitoring
- Sixth WTO ministerial conference
- Additional activities