- A macro-level analysis highlighting the potential vulnerable areas associated with climate change through models that link climate change with agricultural production zones- investigation of key vulnerable areas to climate change.
- A meso-level analysis of the economic geography of food trade, and how this might change under different scenarios; including ‘inland’ trade between Indian states as well as international trade- analyses of the role of agricultural marketing systems through a comparison of inter-state and state-level international trade movements and associated trade costs.
- An assessment of the implications of changes in food politics, production and trade on local community and household food security and vulnerability- analyses of how food security policies, own supplies and distribution systems together provide food entitlements and security at the household and local community level.
- An advocacy module that bridges the three above research themes to disseminate border policy findings to a range of stakeholders ad decisions makers, sensitising them to the interface between climate change, agriculture production and distribution systems- dissemination of policy recommendations to policy-makers, civil society groups and relevant stakeholders- based on the research findings, policy briefs will prepared for wider dissemination.