Linkages between trade, development and poverty reduction (TDP)

Policy Advocacy Documents

Policy Advocacy Documents

How does Trade Lead to Development and Poverty Reduction?
Evidence from the field

This document summarises trade, development and poverty reduction experiences of a set of 13 countries studied under a project entitled ‘Linkages between Trade, Development & Poverty Reduction (TDP)’. It attempts to study the mentioned linkages through macroeconomic impressions as well as inter-sectoral linkages within countries. Outputs have now been documented in two edited volumes – one containing country background papers capturing overall macroeconomic impressions, and the other comprising sectoral case studies. This monograph provides an overview of these two volumes and synthesises their combined wisdom. [Document]

pp 39, #0828, Rs 100/US$15, ISBN: 978-81-8257-118-1

Strengthening the Linkages between Trade, Development and Poverty Reduction

While implementing the project linkages between trade, development and poverty reduction different key themes have been garnered from the case studies and the research work. The advocacy document is directed towards policy-makers, civil society organisations (CSOs) and other stakeholders. It contains seven key messages, which are as follows:

  • Strengthen Labour Intensive Sectors;
  • Ensure that the Benefits of Growth Work Against Inequalities;
  • Strengthen Domestic Policies;
  • Demand for Government Policies Promoting Human Development through Trade;
  • Consider the Importance of Economic Integration and Spillovers for the Poor;
  • Work with a Realistic Market Analysis; and
  • Establish Strong Partnerships between Relevant Stakeholders.

Strengthening the Linkages between Trade, Development and Poverty Reduction

It is strongly hoped that these key messages will be utilised for further research and enhanced dialogue. Ultimately, this document aims to influence a policy shift amongst trade ministries to incorporate a more development-oriented foreign trade policy. [Document]

Realising the developmental benefits of trade through a global partnership

The benefits of trade for economic development and poverty alleviation can be better realised if the process of trade liberalisation is couched in a partnership which provides for complementary foreign aid and investment. This advocacy documents explains how. [Document]