February 2019

US, Canada accuse India of underreporting support for lentils, chickpeas; approach WTO.

Economic Times, 16 February 2019

It appears that India has substantially underreported its market price support for chickpeas, pigeon peas, lentils etc, according to the US. More…

Traditional knowledge , cheaper drugs on India’s agenda for WTO.

Economic Times, 12 February 2019

India wants WTO to address issues related to exploitation of traditional knowledge, food security and access to affordable medicines going ahead. More…

US-China trade talks face big obstacle: Ensuring that promises are kept.

The New York Times, 12 February 2019

The broken promises between the countries hang over Robert Lighthizer , US Trade Representative and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin as they arrive in Beijing for two days of talks to end a trade war between the US and China. More…

TRIPS council to look at IP and the Public Interest , Business Interest.

Intellectual Property Watch, 11 February 2019

A decades-long swinging pendulum within the WTO’s committee on trade and Intellectual Property is IP’s contribution to innovation and economy and its contribution to public interest. More…