The overall objective is to create long-term capacity of grassroots CSOs and other targeted stakeholders to address complex issues of globalisation and the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and their relationship with economic development and governance in India.
The project will gather people’s perceptions on globalisation and WTO issues, with special emphasis on the impact of globalisation on agriculture and textiles & clothing sectors. Other than comprehending and gathering people’s perceptions on globalisation and WTO issues, the project partners will provide stakeholders’ feedback on the impact of recent policy changes (state, national and international) on these sectors. By stakeholders, we mean relevant persons directly and/or indirectly associated with a particular sector.
In particular, the project partners will ascertain how globalisation and WTO (an increasingly open and evolving environment) will affect different stakeholders. Particular emphasis should be given to stakeholders (NGOs, government officials, producer bodies, etc) working with women and marginalised sections of the society. As agriculture and textiles & clothing are two focused sectors selected for the project, the project partners will give particular emphasis on those parts of these sectors which have direct links with livelihood concerns.